My 2 Cents: Seems that you are going to have an easier time getting YouTube on you TV with the new web portal that they have created. Seems that is has been re-designed for the Wii and PS3…
YouTube on your PS3 or Wii looks a little sexier with a new portal site designed specifically for console browsers.
(Credit: CNET Networks / Josh Lowensohn)
Don’t have an AppleTV or a TiVo and have been lusting after watching YouTube videos from your couch? If you’ve got a Wii or a PS3, YouTube has just released an overhauled version of its living room-friendly console interface that puts it about on par with those two offerings.
By visiting in your Opera or PS3 browser you get a new layout that lets you browse and search through videos. Additionally videos can be set to go full screen by default, including large, remote-control friendly buttons that don’t make you squint. There’s also an auto-play option that will play the next video in a playlist or from search results after the current one is done.
One thing to note is that the special TV-version of the site cannot be accessed in your PC’s browser without using a special browser add-on like User Agent Switcher, which can trick YouTube into thinking you’re visiting the site from your console. If you’ve got your Mac Mini hooked up to your TV this might be your best bet.
YouTube launches TV-friendly site for consoles | Webware – CNET