My 2 Cents:  For all you windows users this new cloned iPhone interface defiantly looks interesting.  It seems that it will not be available till mid-May but without a true multi-touch interface don’t see the change to be more than a new skin / template. 

But if you want gesturing right now on your windows mobile phone you can always try this app, FTouchFlo.  It works pretty well on any windows mobile device.  Just copy the single file to your device and select it…that it ;O)

File: FTouchFlo_v1.4.1


While you can argue that Windows Mobile is feature-for-feature and spec-for-spec superior to OS X on the iPhone, Apple’s mobile UI is certainly more fun to use. So if you’re running WinMo with a hankerin’ for rubber band-like scrolling, jiggly icons, screen flicking, SummerBoard themes, and even simulated multi-touch pinching of photos then you’re in luck. Flick Software Research is set to release its iSwish interface and iZoom pinch software in beta come “early May.” Hey Flick, here’s a hint: Dell Axim != sexy demo hardware… or maybe that’s the point. See the action after the break.

Video: iSwish puts the iPhone UI on any Windows Mobile phone – Engadget