Technology News from a Jamaican perpective.


Salmon sperm used to intensify LEDs, grossify everyone – Engadget

  See, the problem with bioengineering isn't moral or ethical dilemmas, or even homicidal robo-droids enslaving humanity. It's that if you let researchers go wild, eventually they'll find a way to make LEDs out of salmon sperm, threatening the sanctity (and sperm-free-ness) of your entire gadget-based lifestyle. Yet that's exactly what Professor Andrew Steckl of…

Homebrew Bejeweled game used to initiate marriage proposal – Engadget

  Although this is far from being the weirdest union (or proposal, for that matter) we've ever seen, Xanga user p3ng decided to throw tradition to the wind (at least momentarily) when proposing to his now-fiancĂ©e. Put simply, he built a custom version of Bejewled (the lady's favorite game in the whole wide world) in…

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