Technology News from a Jamaican perpective.


Sony to develop own DRM-free music store

My 2 Cents: Its always nice when the big players in the industry start to notice that there is no way to stop music wether it be free of not from finding its way around the Internet....its nice to see that they are starting to see the error in their ways ;O) SonyBMG is working…

Puretracks DRM-free music store hitting BlackBerry platform in April – Engadget

  For BlackBerry users feeling a bit left out of the mobile music store revolution, take heart, as Puretracks is running to the rescue. Utilizing the spotlight at SXSW in Texas, the aforementioned outfit is showcasing its newly developed, DRM-free music store and service for the BlackBerry platform. Reportedly, the system was crafted with partner…

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