Technology News from a Jamaican perpective.


Google Earth Discovers Your Weed (GOOG)

My 2 Cents:  I wonder is if this would work for Jamaica :O)                       Best to stick to hydroponics: Police in Switzerland, apparently by chance, stumbled upon a two-acre marijuana farm using Google (GOOG) Earth. Sixteen people arrested. AP: Officers discovered the hemp field in…

Jamaica Gleaner News – BRUCE ROLLS DICE – Government gives green light to casinos – Sunday | April 20, 2008

Updated Article:  My 2 Cents:  I know how a lot of people feel about bringing gambling to Jamaica and how it will increase the GDP, enhance the tourism product and inject much needed cash into the Jamaican economy.  I still feel that even with all of the benefits it will bring there are a…

Investor in Jamaica tourism project loses big in Bear Sterns fallout

  Christopher Anand, managing partner for Tavistock. KINGSTON, Jamaica, March 20, 2008 - Officials in Jamaica are waiting to see if a major tourism development planned for the island will be affected following the news that one of the men involved in the initiative will lose hundreds of millions of dollars in the recent buyout…

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