My 2 Cents: As you can see people are starting to become totally dependant on technology without the use of any common sense…I think that this will only the beginning…of the utter stupidity coming…I wonder if they made it to the game?
Okay Britons, here’s your shot at ripping us Americans who’ve had quite a few laughs at the expense of your GPS-loving neighbors. Reportedly, the driver of a charter bus carrying a high school girls’ softball team decided to casually follow the soothing turn-by-turn directions that were being emitted from the nearby GPS unit rather than actually noticing the enormous clearance sign on the overpass ahead. As you can likely guess, the 11-foot, 8-inch-high vehicle plowed right into the 9-foot bridge — which was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1982 — though somehow everyone on board escaped without any major injuries. Oddly enough, the driver apparently isn’t alone in chipping away at the landmark, as a local even mentioned that "large trucks hit the bridge every two weeks or so," but couldn’t resist noting that "this [instance was] by far the worst."
Bus driver chooses GPS over gigantic warning sign, plows into overpass – Engadget