Technology News from a Jamaican perpective.

November 2008

Google ads voice and video chat to GMail

My 2 Cents:  Now here is a very nice new function added to gMail...have not had a chance to try it out but let me know what ya think :O) download and install the voice and video plugin  Today, the Gmail team at Google has expanded GMail capabilities by including video and voice chat. On…

US TiVo users pick up Domino’s Pizza ordering / tracking abilities

My 2 Cents:  Here is another match made in heaven for the true couch-potato :O)  Now all I need is for scotchy's to get their act together :O) Clearly catering towards the wants, nay, needs of the average American couch potato is TiVo and Domino's Pizza, which have collaborated in order to bring on-sofa pizza…

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